On Button Event

Start an event handler (part of the program that will run when something happens, like when a button is pressed). This handler works when button A or B is clicked, or A and B together. You can choose another event type by using the button event block. Possible event types are pressed down (1), released up (2), clicked (3), long clicked (4) or hold (5).

When you are using this function in a web browser, click the buttons on the screen instead of the ones on the Calliope mini.

  • For button A or B: This handler works when the button is pushed down and released within 1 second.
  • For A and B together: This handler works when A and B are both pushed down, then one of them is released within 1.5 seconds of pushing down the second button.
input.onButtonEvent(Button.A, input.buttonEventClick(), () => {})

Find out how buttons provide input to the Calliope mini in this video:

Example: count button clicks

This example counts how many times you press the A button. Each time you press the button, the LED screen shows the count variable getting bigger.

let count = 0
input.onButtonEvent(Button.A, input.buttonEventClick(), () => {

Example: roll dice

This example shows a number from 1 to 6 when you press the B button.

input.onButtonEvent(Button.B, input.buttonEventClick(), () => {
    let dice = randint(0, 5) + 1

This program adds a 1 to random(5) so the numbers on the dice will come out right. Otherwise, sometimes they would show a 0.

See also

button is pressed, forever, random, button event block