Show Image
Show an image (picture) on the LED screen. After the Calliope mini shows an image, it will pause for 400 milliseconds (1000 milliseconds is one second).
let item: Image = null;
- an image (picture). It is usually a square with five LEDs on a side, but it might be wider.
- a number that says how many LEDs from the left of the picture the Calliope mini should start.
means start at the first frame of the picture,5
means start at the second frame,10
means start at the third, and so on.
Example: Flip-flopping arrow
This program makes a big image with a frame of an arrow pointing up,
and a frame of an arrow pointing down. If you press button A
, the
program will use show image
to show the arrow pointing up. (It
starts 0
LEDs from the left in the big image.) If you press button
, the program will use show image
to show the arrow pointing
down, which starts 5
LEDs from the left.
let arrows = images.createBigImage(`
. . # . . . . # . .
. # # # . . . # . .
# . # . # # . # . #
. . # . . . # # # .
. . # . . . . # . .
input.onButtonEvent(Button.A, input.buttonEventClick(), () => {
input.onButtonEvent(Button.B, input.buttonEventClick(), () => {