38 1b Thermometer
basic.forever(function () {
if (input.temperature() > 30) {
# # # # #
# # # # #
# # # # #
# # # # #
# # # # #
} else if (input.temperature() < 20) {
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
} else {
# . # . #
. # . # .
# . # . #
. # . # .
# . # . #
Task @showdialog
Write a program for a thermometer that outputs a heat-free signal when a temperature of 30°C is exceeded.🍦
- If the measured temperature > 30°C, display an ice symbol on the LED matrix and switch the RGB LED to ‘red’.
- If the measured temperature is < 20°C, switch the LED matrix off and the RGB LED to
. - In all other cases, switch half of the LED matrix on and the RGB LED to
Create query
Select a ||logic.if then else||
query from the logic blocks and insert it into the ||basic.forever||
Click on the + of the query to add another condition.
Create conditions (warm)
Replace the first “true” block in the query with a ||logic.compare (=)||
block to compare the measured ||input.temperature|
with the highest threshold value.
Change the operator to >.
Create conditions (cold)
Replace the second “true” block in the query with a ||logic.compare (=)||
block to compare the measured ||input.temperature|
with the lowest threshold value.
Change the operator to <.
Define output
Complete your program by adding the output via the LED matrix and the RGB LED for the different cases.
Use the blocks ||basic.show leds||
and ||basic.set LED to||
Done! 👍
Click on |Download|
to transfer your program to your Calliope mini.