33 4 Light

let brightness = input.lightLevel();
input.onButtonEvent(Button.B, input.buttonEventClick(), function () {

Task @showdialog

Write a program that saves the measured light value in a variable when the LED matrix is switched off and then display the saved value on the LED matrix.

Create variable

Create a ||variables.variable|| and name it “brightness”.

Save light intensity @showdialog

If button A is clicked, save the measured light intensity in the variable “brightness”.

Define input

Select the block ||input.on button A is clicked||| as input.

Processing: Measure and save light intensity

The ||input.light level|| block outputs the measured luminous intensity value. Use the ||variables.set light to|| block to set the value of the variable to the measured light intensity.

Show light intensity @showdialog

When button B is clicked, show the value of the variable “brightness”.

Define input

Place another block || input.on button A || clicked and change it to || input.on button B || clicked.

Button B

Define output

Use the || basic.show number|| block and display the value of the variable||variables.brightness||.

Done! 👏

Click on |Download| to transfer your program to your Calliope mini.
