23 4_Fitness

let tempo = 1000
for (let index = 0; index < 2; index++) {

Task @showdialog

Create a fitness program! Define 5 colors and assign a fitness exercise to each color - for example, squats, stretch jumps, jumping jacks, etc. Observe the following guidelines for your fitness program:

  • 10 exercises
  • 3x jumping jacks in a row
  • 2x squats
  • Finish with a stretch jump

Define exercises

Insert a ||basic.set LED to|| and ||basic.pause|| block for each of the 10 exercises.


Optimize your program by recognizing repetitions and using repetition loops instead of mapping the same command several times in a row. Use the ||loops.repeat x times||| block and set the desired repetition.

Optimize repetitions

If a color is repeated, you need a visible pause between the phases. Use the ||basic.turn built-in LED off|| block to switch off the RGB LED. You can find it under ||basic.basics|| ||basic....more||. Add a ||basic.pause|| block to define the duration of the pause. Complete your program.

Use variables @showdialog

Use a variable to define the speed of your animation and adjust it easily.

Create variable tempo

Create a ||variables.variable|| and name it “tempo”.

Set tempo value

Use the block ||variables.set tempo to|| to set the variable ||variables.tempo|| to the value 1000.

Use variable Tempo

Replace the values in the pause blocks with the variable ||variables.tempo||.

Done! 🎉

Click on |Download| to transfer your program to your Calliope mini.